Tuesday, January 20, 2009

When will Planners see reality?

Seemingly, planners in Northern Ireland are seriously holding up economic progress because they are delaying crucial decisions on important infrastructural projects.

This crazy situation is not limited to Northern Ireland. Certain planning officials (not all) in County and City Councils in the Republic are non too different. (Its such a pity that those who are doing a good job protect those who aren't doing their job...) While these individuals pick and agonize over minute details that will never make the slightest difference in reality or would never be likely to have consequences for them, parts of the economy are sinking fast.

From Drop Box

Also unfortunate is the way that professional institutes involved in the construction industry seem to be doing very little to alter the situation, except pay lip service. One wonders why this is the case? Why should they be so afraid of the planners....?

Another major problem with planning in Ireland is the fact that planners aren't tied in to otherTechnorati Tags:

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Email attachments in the public service

Many public servants can't open pdf attachments because their trusty IT departments tell them they are too dangerous. Or is it because things would have to move more quickly and efficiently if planners could actually read drawings of preliminary proposals emailed to them?

This problem is endemic across the public sector, who are still fixated on the use of that ancient Egyptian technology: Snail Mail

I am reliably informed by an IT consultant that he has never heard of an infected pdf file.

When will Ireland enter the 21st century?

From "Planning" in Ireland? 07/12/2008 11:12

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