Friday, November 28, 2008

OMFG...Intelligent, compassionate man in the White House...

Already inspiring confidence: Barack Obama gives a speech about things that really matter. While it is vital to remain critical of Mr. Obama into the future, as it should be for anybody else, its hard not to be just a little bit giddy about having this guy at the White House. The Irish electorate could learn some fundamentally important lessons from O.

Barack Obama's recent weekly address:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A small little victory against the forces of indifference..

I recently found myself a little bit annoyed by the fact that I had pressed the button on Cork County Council's website that says: (and I quote) "Help us to help you.... Comments, complaints, compliments" written on the bottom left of the Home Page. Having pressed this button which opens up the feedback dialogue box, I wrote down some points about improving the planning process in Cork County. The result of doing this?: Nothing

I tried again about two months later, this time thinking: I better keep a copy of my email this time. This I did. Response this time? Same. About 6 months later, I decided to get in touch with the Ombudsman to complain about this. The Ombudsman forced the County Council to reply to my comments. At this time, they (CCC) still didn't know which link on their website wasn't working!.. So I told them. Poor CCC don't have the resources to check their own website.

Anyhow, I received a communication from the Ombudsman recently to say that Cork County Council have put a system in place to ensure that all emails to them are tracked.... Well done to them for such ingenuity!

So.. lets see if their email system is working by clicking here and give the poor old Cork Co. Co. a few bits of advice or a little word of encouragement...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What is this thing called "Planning"?

The word "Planning" used in the Irish context mainly applies to the process of obtaining "planning permission". Planning Permission is the granting of the right by the Local Authority of an area such as a County or City Council to:
  • Build anew (temporary or permanent)
  • Change the use of an existing building or site;
  • Alter a Protected Structure
  • Erect signage
  • Other Permissions relating to the altering of the public environment in some way
This permission may be given to a private individual or a company or other body. While the applicant is not required to own the land in question, the signed written permission of the owner is required to be submitted with the application.